Alerts are mobile notifications that inform you when any of your “Followed Artists” have significant activity. Localize your alerts to receive relevant news from the country you do business in. When you tap into an alert, you will be directed to UMA News and you'll see detailed info on each alert.
You can get alerted on:
- Spotify Playlist Adds
When your artist gets added to a top 250 global playlist, and if you localize your alerts by selecting your business country, you’ll also receive the top 100 local playlists. If you do not choose to localize your alerts, you will receive global alerts and playlist adds from some of the top markets.
Updates come through 30 minutes or less after a playlist addition.
When you tap into the alert, you will receive additional information on playlist demographics like top countries and age and gender breakouts.
- Spotify Chart Peaks
When a track from an artist you follow reaches a new lifetime peak on the Spotify charts. Delivered within 30 minutes of the charts updating.
If you choose your business country, you’ll receive Global chart positions and also receive your country’s chart peak.
- Spotify Release Comparisons
Compares your current release trajectory against the previous and highest streamed tracks. Save time by searching for multiple tracks in data dashboards.
If you choose your business country and allow for localized alerts, you’ll receive Global release comparisons and also comparisons from your business country.
- Spotify Streams Milestones
A track from an artist you follow has reached a significant streaming threshold globally.
It will only show the last threshold reached if you surpass multiple thresholds within 24hrs to avoid spamming users.
Thresholds include:
10,000 |
100,000 |
1 million |
10 million |
100 million |
1 billion |
10 billion |
100 billion |
Tap the alert to see how fast it reached that milestone compared to previous songs.
- Spotify Spikes
You’ll get alerted when a track from your followed list has seen a sharp increase in daily streams. Shows the source of streams that the spike is coming from. If it’s because it’s been added to a significant playlist, it will also highlight the playlist.
- Instagram Engaging Posts
An Instagram post reached the artist’s top 5 most engaging posts in the past 90 days. Tap the alert to compare the likes and comments per follower to other recent posts.
Instagram engagements are defined as total likes and comments.
UMA must be able to track the artist’s Instagram account to receive this alert, which means the Instagram account must be a “business” account. Due to Instagram settings, accounts set to “personal” cannot be tracked. In the social tab, you can add the artist’s Instagram account by clicking the “Connect social channels” button.
- Shazam Tag Spikes
Shazam tags of a song spiked, with data on how many tags and what hour the spike occurred. The alert uses military time (24hr).
The alert is based on your preferred territory. In order to receive the email, you must choose a preferred territory, you cannot set your preferred territory to Global.
- TikTok Views Spikes
Views of TikToks featuring a song by an artist you follow increased sharply, helping you detect activity on the platform. Includes information on the top countries, and average engagement and creation rates of the song on TikTok.
If you choose your business country and allow for localized alerts, you’ll receive Global and your country’s localized alerts. If you choose not to select your business country, you'll receive Global alerts and a selection of alerts from the top markets.
- TikTok Creations Surges
Detections in growth of TikTok creations using your followed artists' tracks, including information on countries where the surge was detected, as well as views, likes, comments, favorites and shares on TikTok videos using the track.
If you choose your business country and allow for localized alerts, you’ll receive Global and your country’s localized alerts. If you choose not to select your business country, you'll receive Global alerts and a selection of alerts from the top markets.
How to set up your alerts
Step 1: Alerts are currently only available for the UMA mobile app. Search for “Universal Music Artists” on your mobile app store and download it for free, or use the QR code below:
Step 2: Tap the artist image at the bottom of your screen. On the “Explore” tab, search for your artist and tap “Follow”.
Step 3: On the “Settings” tab, choose your business territory for localized alerts or select “Everywhere” for global alerts only.
Step 4: Tap on the "Alerts" tab to toggle your alerts on and you’re all set!
Make sure notifications are enabled for UMA in your phone's settings.