There are 5 filters within Consumption:
- Date
- Territories
- Labels
- Genre
- Partners
- Date
- Consumption uses the Transaction Date which represents the date the transaction took place.
- Territories
- Consumption provides access by the territories within UMG (also known as sales country), as well as groupings of territories into Regions. Global Ex-US is an example of a grouping where all territories are included except the United States.
- Labels
- Label breakout is available for the major territories (i.e. United States, United Kingdom, Germany, etc.). The ‘Label’ is actually a name created to simply represent various business entities within that territory.
- For example the SAP label for ‘Interscope' will be a roll up of all the label segments under Interscope: A&M, Geffen, Shady Records and etc.
- Genre
Custom genres created using the SAP Genre Code are grouped into higher levels
- Classic
- Jazz
- Rock
- Other
- Pop
- Soundtrack
- HipHop
- Dance
We took the 180+ genres from R2 and then mapped them to the 9 SAP Main-Genres and 24 Sub-Genres.
- Partners
- ‘Master’ account represents a grouping of sub-accounts. An example of this is: Apple is a roll up of Apple Music and iTunes.