If there are no search results for your song, artist or playlist, here are some possible reasons:
For Artists or Songs
1. Is it a new artist or song?
New songs and artists that have been released within the last 24 hours may not show up in our search yet. Please try again in 48 hours. If the title still isn’t showing up by then, contact Support so we can investigate it.
2. Did we spell it correctly?
Sometimes the data sent from the providers can cause issues with our artist and song titles. Make sure the spelling is correct and check any possible alternative names. If we are showing the incorrect information, contact Support to update the correct info.
3. Is it a UMG artist or song?
UML only shows information from artists that are distributed through UMG. If the artist or song is not distributed by UMG, they will not show up in your search.
For Playlists
1. Spotify
UML only tracks a Spotify playlist if it has more than 100 unique listeners a day.
Tip: If you’re having a hard time finding a playlist, try searching by the playlist ID or dragging the Spotify playlist title into UML.
2. Apple Music
UML tracks the top 15% of Apple Music playlists by territory.
3. Amazon Music
Due to inconsistencies with the Amazon web store reporting, playlist data may be unreliable. Please try again in 24 hours. If the playlist still isn’t showing up by then, contact Support so we can investigate it.
If you have any questions or believe the playlist meets the criteria for inclusion, please contact us.